January 23, 2007


I find the ranting of this lonely, depressed robot to be terrifically entertaining. Check out his all-too-human video-blog at www.roomba902.com

(full disclosure: I made this with some friends.)

January 16, 2007

Popular Mechanics: Top 5 Robots that Own YOU

I found the top robots who can physically and/or mentally humiliate human beings. The sad thing was -- it wasn't that hard to find 'em.

Link to the Top Five Angry Robots.

January 8, 2007

The Kojo Nnamdi Show

I have had the fun opportunity to chat with "futurists" now that my book "Where's My Jetpack?" is getting closer to its release date. Today, I met Tim Mack, the President of the World Future Society on the Kojo Show on WAMU, and a few weeks ago I met Stanford technology forecaster Paul Saffo on "The Forum" at KQED. I'm skeptical of the whole of idea of being a professional futurist, but I'm warming up to them!

Check out the radio program: Predicting the Future: Past and Present.

January 3, 2007

Top Five Robots You Can Buy Right Now

Raise a hundred grand and get a robot car. For serious!

Read about it at Popular Mechanics Online.

Also, happy new year!