July 26, 2011

Mysterious Galaxy

Martians, Murder, Magic, Mayhem.
While I was at Comic-Con I had the good fortune to sign books for local indie bookstore Mysterious Galaxy. So, if you are looking for signed copies of Robopocalypse (or any other book, for that matter), Mysterious Galaxy has an incredible selection of signed first editions on hand. Happy hunting!

Want to Survive the Robot Apocalypse?

He looks friendly enough. Right?
Visit the Wandake blog to check out your required reading. Remember: Survivors come prepared!

July 18, 2011

Behind the Robopocalypse

What did you say?

Some nice press for Robopocalypse came in today.


First off, the Canadian Globe and Mail has a piece on "The art of making scary robots." They've got a solid interview with some of the background pieces that went into Robo in order to make it as frightening as possible. 


Meanwhile, Chris Barton at the LA Times has a (slightly snarky) review of Robopocalypse. He calls me the "heir-apparent" to Michael Crichton, which is nice. But he also says other sci-fi authors must be stabbing voodoo dolls of me with needles, which is not as nice to think about. 
“A fast-paced and decidedly cinematic novel with chills mixed in with the thrills. Wilson's war includes darkly comic touches, such as the fastidious robots compulsively clearing away the human remains after every attack, and a murderous elevator communicating with its familiar "ding" as it cheerily lures elderly retirees to their deaths. These details add a richly haunting atmosphere to the robots' tactics. Robopocalypse is a crisply efficient and intermittently chilling summer read”
I have to mention, 1) the robots clear away human remains because the machines are built to operate on flat surfaces; they keep the streets clean so they can move, not because it's somehow funny; and 2) the elevator "ding" is kind of funny, but mostly that detail is because I find that inserting ordinary moments into horrific situations increases the terror because the familiar suddenly becomes grotesque. :)


And finally, I did an in-depth recorded interview with bloggingheads TV that has aired. It goes into why I think self-driving cars are inevitable, what it feels like to sell something to Mr. Spielberg, and why Asimov's three laws don't have anything to do with robotics!


July 9, 2011

Oh, Powell's Books

I'm on my way out the door to go sign a few books up the street at my neighborhood independent bookstore -- Powell's Books. Just thinking to myself how nice it is to have the City of Books right down the road, and to have Robopocalypse as a staff pick on shelves that are only a couple blocks away from where I wrote the dang thing!

Remember: If you want a signed first edition of Robopocalypse -- Powell's is your best bet!


July 6, 2011

LA Times Bestseller

Back from my book tour, I'm now having a wonderful time tracking the progress of Robopocalypse. I was too frazzled last week to realize that Robo had debuted on the LA Times Bestseller list at #8! This week is has dipped to #15, but still, how rad is that?

California love.

July 3, 2011

Talking 'Bout the Armageddon

CNet.com has a Q&A up with me, about some of the details behind Robopocalypse. The interview was conducted with my old friend Tim Hornyak, author of Loving the Machine. Tim was also my go-to research source on life in Tokyo while I was writing.